APALA Organizing Institute

The Los Angeles Chapter of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), AFL-CIO in partnership with the Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) and Empowering API hosted a 2-day Spring Organizing Institute at UTLA Headquarters in Los Angeles, CA from May 19th-20th.


The APALA Organizing Institute is designed for emerging labor/immigrant rights movement leaders, activists, and organizers who are involved in (or looking to join) organizing for labor/immigrant justice, campaigning for public policy implementation, and building community amongst Asian Americans on the West Coast.

Participants engaged in interactive training and mentorship in 1:1 organizing, initiating collective action, and strategic planning. In addition to the trainings and mentorship, the APALA OI provided workshops on important topics such as:

  • 1:1 Organizing; Trauma-Informed Approaches
  • AANHPI Labor History
  • How to Advance the Movement against Anti-Asian Hate
  • Self-care through Individual & Collective Healing
  • Ongoing Campaigns in CA, such as for SB 686 (state-level) and #OpportunityforAll (UC system)

First row (left to right): Stella Linardi, Jamie Seo, Bea Noble

Second row (left to right): Inhauck Choi, Jihyun Kim, Justine Lim, Hyewon Choi, Alexa Empleo, Rehana Morita

Congratulations to (9) nine members of Empowering API, who successfully graduated with their organizing certificates from the 2023 APALA Organizing Institute!